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Biology Today 2017 Pdf Free Download

Impact Factor

Annual Reviews Rankings in Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics)

2021 Release of Journal Citation Reports

The 2021 Edition of the Journal Citation Reports® (JCR) published by Clarivate Analytics provides a combination of impact and influence metrics from 2020 Web of Science source data. This measure provides a ratio of citations to a journal in a given year to the citable items in the prior two years.

Download Annual Reviews 2021 Edition JCR Rankings in Excel format.

See our full list of published journals.

Annual Review of: Rank Category Name Ranked Journals in Category Impact Factor Cited Half-Life Immediacy Index
Analytical Chemistry 2 Chemistry, Analytical 83 10.745 7.1 2.476
Analytical Chemistry 2 Spectroscopy 43 10.745 7.1 2.476
Animal Biosciences 1 Zoology 175 8.923 4.7 3.588
Animal Biosciences 14 Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology 159 8.923 4.7 3.588
Animal Biosciences 1 Agriculture, Dairy, and Animal Sciences 63 8.923 4.7 3.588
Animal Biosciences 2 Veterinary Science 146 8.923 4.7 3.588
Anthropology 5 Anthropology 88 3.448 15.8 0.682
Astronomy and Astrophysics 1 Astronomy and Astrophysics 68 30.065 11.4 4.625
Biochemistry 4 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 298 23.643 12.3 4.969
Biomedical Engineering 9 Biomedical Engineering 90 9.590 8.9 1.813
Biophysics 2 Biophysics 72 12.981 7.1 5.667
Cancer Biology 31 Oncology 242 9.391 2.1 2.667
Cell and Developmental Biology 18 Cell Biology 195 13.827 10.1 0.818
Cell and Developmental Biology 1 Developmental Biology 41 13.827 10.1 0.818
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 1 Chemistry, Applied 74 11.059 5.9 1.304
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 5 Engineering, Chemical 143 11.059 5.9 1.304
Clinical Psychology 1 Psychology, Clinical (Social Sciences) 131 18.561 8.1 4.222
Clinical Psychology 2 Psychology (Science) 77 18.561 8.1 4.222
Condensed Matter Physics 6 Physics, Condensed Matter 69 16.109 5.5 11.826
Criminology 2 Criminology & Penology 69 9.956 2.3 1.375
Earth and Planetary Sciences 2 Geosciences, Multidisciplinary 199 12.810 14.2 4.917
Earth and Planetary Sciences 5 Astronomy and Astrophysics 68 12.810 14.2 4.917
Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 5 Evolutionary Biology 50 13.915 18.0 0.840
Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 3 Ecology 166 13.915 18.0 0.840
Economics 59 Economics 377 4.193 6.9 0.548
Entomology 1 Entomology 102 19.686 14.7 13.652
Environment and Resources 3 Environmental Studies (Social Science) 125 11.108 9.9 1.235
Environment and Resources 8 Environmental Sciences (Science) 274 11.108 9.9 1.235
Financial Economics 41 Business, Finance 108 2.879 6.7 0.133
Financial Economics 100 Economics 377 2.879 6.7 0.133
Fluid Mechanics 1 Physics, Fluids and Plasmas 34 18.511 15.9 12.650
Fluid Mechanics 1 Mechanics 136 18.511 15.9 12.650
Food Science and Technology 1 Food Science & Technology 144 13.635 5.5 4.438
Genetics 4 Genetics & Heredity 175 16.830 11.4 0.333
Genomics and Human Genetics 14 Genetics & Heredity 175 8.929 8.4 2.040
Immunology 3 Immunology 162 28.527 11.2 8.200
Law and Social Science 27 Law 151 2.444 8.3 0.111
Law and Social Science 55 Sociology 149 2.444 8.3 0.111
Linguistics 5 Language and Linguistics (AHCI) 205 3.512 3.5 0.864
Linguistics 14 Linguistics (Social Science) 193 3.512 3.5 0.864
Marine Science 2 Geochemistry & Geophysics 88 13.850 7.3 7.571
Marine Science 1 Marine & Freshwater Biology 110 13.850 7.3 7.571
Marine Science 1 Oceanography 65 13.850 7.3 7.571
Materials Research 20 Materials Science, Multidisciplinary 335 16.286 10.8 1.000
Medicine 6 Medicine, Research & Experimental 140 13.739 8.7 4.704
Microbiology 7 Microbiology 137 15.500 13.5 1.308
Neuroscience 14 Neurosciences 273 12.449 13.8 2.833
Nuclear and Particle Science 2 Physics, Nuclear 19 14.219 10.5 1.353
Nuclear and Particle Science 3 Physics, Particles and Fields 29 14.219 10.5 1.353
Nutrition 2 Nutrition & Dietetics 89 11.848 14.2 0.471
Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 2 Psychology, Applied 83 18.333 4.7 3.150
Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 1 Management 226 18.333 4.7 3.150
Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease 1 Pathology 77 23.472 7.0 10.500
Pharmacology and Toxicology 1 Toxicology 93 13.820 11.0 6.938
Pharmacology and Toxicology 6 Pharmacology & Pharmacy 275 13.820 11.0 6.938
Physical Chemistry 19 Chemistry, Physical 162 12.703 12.4 5.600
Physiology 2 Physiology 81 19.318 11.0 6.783
Phytopathology 5 Plant Sciences 235 13.078 12.5 1.059
Plant Biology 1 Plant Sciences 235 26.379 12.9 5.862
Political Science 2 Political Science 182 8.091 11.6 1.750
Psychology 1 Psychology (Science) 77 24.137 12.9 7.040
Psychology 2 Psychology, Multidisciplinary (Social Science) 140 24.137 12.9 7.040
Public Health 2 Public, Environmental & Occup. Health (Social Science) 176 21.981 9.5 4.621
Public Health 4 Public, Environmental & Occup. Health (Science) 203 21.981 9.5 4.621
Resource Economics 31 Economics 377 5.184 5.4 0.913
Resource Economics 28 Environmental Studies (Social Science) 125 5.184 5.4 0.913
Resource Economics 1 Agricultural Economics and Policy (Science) 21 5.184 5.4 0.913
Sociology 3 Sociology 149 8.055 18.3 1.545
Statistics and Its Application 7 Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications 108 5.810 3.9 1.250
Statistics and Its Application 7 Statistics and Probability 125 5.810 3.9 1.250
Virology 2 Virology 36 10.431 4.3 3.429
Vision Science 46 Neurosciences 273 6.422 3.8 0.750
Vision Science 4 Ophthalmology 62 6.422 3.8 0.750

AIMS AND SCOPE OF JOURNAL: The Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology, in publication since 1985, covers the most significant developments in the field of cell and developmental biology, including structure, function, and organization of the cell, development and evolution of the cell as it relates to single and multicellular organisms, and models and tools of molecular biology.

eISSN: 1530-8995

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Most Downloaded Articles in the Past Year

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Cells organize many of their biochemical reactions in non-membrane compartments. Recent evidence has shown that many of these compartments are liquids that form by phase separation from the cytoplasm. Here we discuss the basic physical concepts necessary ...Read More

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In large-scale mutagenesis screens performed in 1979–1980 at the EMBL in Heidelberg, we isolated mutations affecting the pattern or structure of the larval cuticle in Drosophila. The 600 mutants we characterized could be assigned to 120 genes and ...Read More

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In the 1980s, exosomes were described as vesicles of endosomal origin secreted from reticulocytes. Interest increased around these extracellular vesicles, as they appeared to participate in several cellular processes. Exosomes bear proteins, lipids, and ...Read More

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Most Cited Articles Since Publication

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▪ Abstract Tight control of cell-cell communication is essential for the generation of a normally patterned embryo. A critical mediator of key cell-cell signaling events during embryogenesis is the highly conserved Wnt family of secreted proteins. Recent ...Read More

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Climate Change and Extreme Events

Explore the causes, impacts, and prediction of climate change and related weather events. In this interdisciplinary article collection, our experts discuss the risk factors that influence extreme environmental and ecological change.

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Child Development

The early years of a child's life are critical to their health and development. Many factors are instrumental for children to reach their developmental milestones. This interdisciplinary article collection explores both environmental and behavioral impacts on child development.

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Societal Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

From shifting to remote work and home-schooling children to restricting travel and leisure activities, to disrupting supply chains, the COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on virtually every facet of life. This interdisciplinary article collection looks at recent developments in COVID-19 research and the short-term and long-term impacts on society.

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Science, Policy, and Public Impact

COVID-19 and the consequential events of 2020 have propelled science into the public consciousness. View this interdisciplinary article collection to explore the important relationship between science and the public, where experts consider the impact of evidence on policy, the role of scientists in shaping public opinion, and the need for trust in science.

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Most Read Articles in 2020

2020 will be a year we never forget. While it's time to begin a new year of restoration and continued progress, it's also the time to revisit the high impact articles that were downloaded the most during 2020. Find which 20 articles from our 51 disciplines attracted the most attention from readers during the year.

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Democracy, Politics, and Society

In this interdisciplinary article collection, our experts explore the impact of democracy on society, including to the U.S. after women's suffrage and the politics, elections, and citizen equality of modern day.

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HIV/AIDS: Public Health and Society

This interdisciplinary collection spans decades and illustrates our increased understanding and successes in preventing and treating the HIV/AIDS pandemic.Through this lens, remaining challenges are identified and further reinforced by the current COVID-19 pandemic, including health inequity, vaccine development, and the lasting impacts on globaly society and culture.

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Racial Justice, Policing, and Protest

A curated collection of articles that focus on discriminatory policing of minorities, on bias in the criminal justice system, on inequalities in healthcare and other relevant issues to aid in understanding discrimination and its impact, and what must be done to end it.

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Stress, Society, and Health

In this article collection you'll find research on how stressors can impact an individual's physical and mental health, from mindfulness research which identifies the methods to help manage the negative symptoms of the body's stress response to Social Safety Theory which explores the influence of stressful environments on populations, culture, and human development.

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Coronavirus Research

The Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is having an unprecedented impact on virtually every facet of life. The global outbreak continues partly because neither the disease nor its transmission is fully understood. Scientists are working at an extraordinary pace to understand the biology of the virus while investigating potential therapeutics and vaccine treatments. In support of this critical research, Annual Reviews has curated a collection of articles to assist the scientific community.

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Most Read Articles in 2019

Find out which topics generated the most attention from readers in 2019. Read the most downloaded articles published in 2019 and the most read articles from our complete collection.

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Social Science Developments

To help you make the most of your research time, read this curated collection featuring 22 articles highlighting new developments in the social sciences from 12 Annual Reviews journals.

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Aging and Development

This collection includes 22 review articles addressing several interdisciplinary perspectives on aging: successful aging and historical perspectives; aging, disability, and public health; the biology of aging; and aging, populations, and social policy.

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Mental Health Awareness

This special article collection of 20 review articles from invited experts addresses issues related to and supporting awareness of Mental Health. Topics include: the effect of mental health problems on at-risk adolescents, the treatments for and biology of mental health, the relationship between addiction and mental health, the steps needed to improve mental health care, and more.

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Climate Change Research and Action

This collection of 22 articles includes pioneering research from experts across the politics and policies of climate change. They cover a variety of ways in which the global population and the environment are adversely affected by climate change.

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Neurodegenerative Diseases

This special article collection covers neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's Disease, featuring a variety of perspectives from leaders across several fields covering the newest research into disease prevention and treatment, and the growing impact on public health.

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The Future of Food

Learn more about food production, policy, and the economics of meeting the world's rapidly growing demand with the 20 review articles featured in this special article collection.

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DNA Day 2019

This curated article collection includes 18 reviews of research from pioneers and leaders on ethics, public benefits, and concerns of genomics. Interdisciplinary research on basic science and the potential of genomic projects is also highlighted.

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Women in Science 2019

Read this freely available special article collection authored by female scientists who have had a revolutionary impact on their fields and society.

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Credit: McGuire, Ruth (Colvin) 1893-1950, by the USDA. Smithsonian Institution Archives, free of copyrights.

Solar Eclipse

Read this freely available special article collection which charts our developing understanding of solar activity from early civilizations through to modern day technology.

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Credit: Total solar eclipse 2017 at Orin Junction, Wyoming, by O'Dea. Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0.

Cancer and Public Health

Read this freely available special article collection which captures the current understanding of cancer and its impact on public health, including causes, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and effect on relationships and society.

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Credit: Cancer cells, by Dr. Cecil Fox. National Cancer Institute, CC0 Public Domain.

Clean Water Research

Read this freely available special article collection which addresses the impact clean water has on the environment, our society, and global public health.

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Autism Awareness

Read this freely available special article collection to learn more about Autism Spectrum Disorder etiology, epidemiology, diagnostics and therapy tools.

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Automation and Robotics

Read this freely available special article collection to see how the future may be shaped by advances in the last two decades. Includes expert reviews on biomimicry in robotics, human-robot interaction, and robot development.

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Crime and Society

Read this freely available special article collection to understand important trends and issues across the multi-disciplinary field of criminology to inform the direction of research, practice, and policy.

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Ecology and Extinction Risk

Read this freely available special article collection which examines ecology and extinction risk—from the ancient DNA biomarkers that indicate environmental activity during historical extinctions, to modern day research in biodiversity loss.

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Read this freely available special article collection to review the research that is making a positive impact in the fight against TB. 53 million lives were saved between 2000 and 2016 with diagnosis and treatment.

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Food Allergy Awareness

Read this freely available special article collection on diagnostic techniques, treatment, and impact on the global population and the food industry, including the challenges faced in effective regulation and labelling of common allergens.

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Women in Science 2018

Read this freely available special article collection of reviews from ground-breaking leaders of their disciplines and advocates for the advancement of science.

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Knowable Magazine logo

What is known? What isn't known? Knowable Magazine, the new digital magazine from Annual Reviews, reports on the current state of play across a wide variety of fields and topics.

Eva Emerson
Editor, Knowable Magazine

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